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Medical Gas Monitoring is a small business in the healthcare industry that prides itself on great customer service. Responding to the prompt needs of our clients and fulfilling their toxic gas testing needs. While remaining consistent and reliable.


Medical Gas Monitoring was founded on the belief that this type of service can be provided at a better cost and performed more efficiently and thoroughly than its competitors. Started in 1982, we have remained steady and have adapted to new forms of transmission, by emailing reports and saving paper.


Our anesthesia gas testing protocol has our technicians in the operating rooms while general anesthesia cases are in progress. During induction and while procedures are in progress. This enables us to provide real time readings for accurate Time Weighted Averages (TWA) and actual exposure levels. This included monitoring for Nitrous Oxide and Halogenated agents. Readings in the recovery room (PACU) are also included in these surveys throughout the visit.


Our laboratory toxic gas testing is performed primarily while slide staining and cover slipping  (xylene) are in progress as well as gross sectiong (formalin). Readings are recorded during these functions to establish accurate TWAs and Short Term Exposure Levels (STELs). Readings are taken throughout these proceeses and not just a one time walk in walk out. Other functions that are tested are tissue dumping (formalin) and changing of processor solutions (xylene and formalin).


Our air exchange program ensures rooms that should be positive pressure, are positive pressure and negative rooms are negative. Also our technicians measure the rooms tested and do not rely on blueprints for cubic feet of space. This ensures very accurate air changes.


The vaporizer accuracy program tests 4 different settings for each vaporizer while documenting these readings and placing a sticker on each vaporizer for a visual pass.

Request a quote

To request a quote or receive more information, call or email us, we'll be glad to help you out.

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